


企业运营中的价值创造:商业科技与企业管理流程创新Operations Excellence, Technology and Business Model Innovation

适合专业或兴趣方向 Interests:


学习目标 Learning Objective





项目收获 Program Outcome

· 教授官方的个性化定制推荐信

· 科研项目成绩单

· 学术评估报告

· 独立第一作者全文发表的EI/CPCI索引的国际会议期刊

项目介绍 Program Description


导师介绍 Instructor Introduction



曾于 TESCO 任高管负责运营流程分析


任职学校 University / College

     剑桥大学(University of Cambridge), 在众多领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力。作为英语世界中第二古老的大学,同时也是全世界最顶尖的研究型大学之一。剑桥大学和牛津大学 (University of Oxford) 为英国的两所最优秀的大学,被合称为“Oxbridge”。 剑桥大学还是英国名校联盟“罗素集团”和欧洲的大学联盟科英布拉集团的成员。2018年,在 US News 的全球大学排名中位居第 7,全球大学毕业生就业竞争力排名中位居第 4;2020 年,在泰晤士高等教育的全球大学排名中位居第 1。

项目大纲 Program Outline

Lecture 1 :


Strategy & Operations


Description: In this session, we will explore the link of a firm’sdecisions about their overall strategy and market segment with theirdecisions about how they choose to serve that market segment throughtheir day-to-day operations. We will discuss how the alignment ofstrategy and operations is a roadmap to success and how amisalignment can lead to disastrous outcomes.

Lecture 2:


Business Simulation: Developing & Distributing New Products


Description: In this session, you will take part in a simulationwhere you will make product design choices. These design choiceswill have an impact on the costs and demand forecasts associatedwith your products. The forecasts and costs, in turn, will affectyour inventory and sourcing decisions. You will also make decisionsabout marketing events and how to react to changes on the groundonce the selling season starts. Finally, you will have to report toand answer questions from board members. A link to the simulation,as well as usernames and passwords for each team will be provided atthe beginning of the session. The winning team (determined by yourprofit and whether board members agree with your decisions) willreceive a prize!

Lecture 3:


Diagnosing Business Processes and Investing in Automation


Description: We will discuss the role of incentives within anorganization and how quickly those incentives can get misalignedwhen they are not set appropriately. We will then identify threemetrics that can help us evaluate changes to business processes andexplore how those metrics can help us evaluate the value oftechnology investments. We will apply our knowledge to theautomation investments at an Australian Iron Ore mine.

Lecture 4:


Trust & Trustworthiness in Business Partnerships


Description: We will formalize part of our discussion from Sessions2 and 3 with a brief mathematical background about how firms makeinventory optimization decisions. We will then put that knowledge touse through a simulation where, in each round, you play the role ofone of two business partners. In each round of the game, you will bematched with a different business partner from the class. The levelof trust you have for your partner and the level of trustworthinessyou display will be a key determinant in the profits you make. Twowinning individuals (determined by your profit) will receive aprize! We will discuss the implications of trust & trustworthinessfor business decision-making, the conditions that enable trust, andwhat this means for global business.

Lecture 5:


Business Model Innovation

描述:我们将首先讨论一家公司如何进行创新——不是通过推出新产品创新,而是通过改变其产品销售给最终消费者的方式创新。 换句话说,他们创新的是商业模式,而不是产品本身。我们将通过讨论商业模式如何在利益相关者之间建立信任,将本次课与之前的模拟联系起来。最后,我们将在不同行业的诸多案例中寻找共同点:这些案例中,公司都是在留在现有市场的前提下,通过从根本上改变他们销售产品和提供服务的方式创造机会,利用新兴科技进行颠覆。这些将使我们学会如何进行商业模式创新,以辅助于最终演示和报告。

Description: We will first discuss how one firm innovated—not bycoming up with a new product, but—by changing how its products weresold to the end-consumer. In other words, they innovated on thebusiness model, rather than the product itself. We will link thissession to the previous session by discussing how business modelscan enable trust between stakeholders. Finally, we will draw commonthemes across many examples of companies in different sectors thathave created opportunities and disruption by fundamentally changinghow they sell their products and services (i.e. staying in theirexisting market)—often leveraging emerging technological trends.This will enable us to develop a framework you can apply forbusiness model innovation, which will be useful for your finalpresentation and report.

Lecture 6:

Summary, and Q&A

