2020 National Youth Elite Academic Analysis Challenge
1. Contest background

The North American Chinese Technology Industry and Commerce Association has hosted dozens of large-scale conferences and exhibitions overseas such as entrepreneurship and innovation competitions, overseas talent negotiations, celebrity forums, etc. In response to the good response, during the preparation and operation of the actual activities for many years, it was found that most students have a strong enthusiasm for innovation and entrepreneurship, hoping to increase their professional knowledge and academic ability to apply to the trend of innovation. Students can better write their own innovative ideas only after they have a better understanding of the latest cutting-edge discoveries in their research field. In order to cultivate the comprehensive qualities and agile thinking consciousness of young students and create a good academic atmosphere, North American Chinese Technology Business The Federation and Shanghai Yutu Education Technology Co., Ltd. hereby hold the 2020 National Youth Elite Academic Analysis Contest.   The Academic Analysis Contest starts from scratch to cultivate scientific research stars without any fees throughout the process. The organizers of this competition come from overseas famous institutions and Stanford, Columbia University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology experts and scholars as mentors of the competition. The event was co-hosted with the North American Chinese Science and Technology Federation, China Telecom America Branch and Shanghai Yutu Education Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Purpose of the contest

The goal of this competition is to train some young people with a global vision, a style of dedication, love and dedication, and an innovative spirit and a sense of social responsibility. In the course of the competition, the comprehensive quality of young elites and the professional knowledge of students are improved. The involved aspects include the professional knowledge of multiple subjects (business, engineering, liberal arts, science, etc.). In order to improve students 'enthusiasm for learning, sublimate professional learning, optimize students' learning environment and competition awareness, improve the learning atmosphere on campus, and cultivate everyone's teamwork ability in the competition. Through competitions to increase interest in learning, increase knowledge, cultivate scientific research and inquiry capabilities, and enhance practical awareness.

3. Contest principles

Fairness, justice, openness, knowledge seeking, exploration, innovation

4. Participants

Youth under 40

5. Organizer

1. North American Chinese Technology Business Association

2. Shanghai Yutu Education Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Stanford Leadership Center

Support Units

China Telecom Americas

6. Contest time

6.1 City Race

June 1, 2020-July 15, 2020

6.2 Provincial

July 16, 2020-August 15, 2020

6.3 National

August 16, 2020-August 21, 2020

7. Contest location

7.1 City Race

Online answer day

7.2 Provincial

Class punching on the Zoom platform + opening report + summary paper output

7.3 National

Paper presentation and academic defense online

8. Contest theme

Pursue the intersection of science and life

Contest format
9.1 Application form

Add the official WeChat of the organizing committee of the contest, choose the contest group (arts, business, science, engineering) you want to participate according to your major and interest, and join the contest group to answer the first stage online questions.

9.2 Competition format

9.2.1 City Race

(1) Start date: 2020.6.1 (2) Contest entrance: registration link jump to answer online questions (3) Achievement feedback: 2020 Global Young Elite Academic Analysis Competition Honor Certificate (4) Group competition mode: Participants are registering Submit information at the stage and choose the desired group according to your intentions. In the preliminary round, participants will be divided into liberal arts group, business group, science group and engineering group according to major and interest. Corresponding group of city competition test questions and answer (5) Promotion method: qualified system, you can be promoted by answering 60% of the test questions correctly

9.2.2 Provincial

(1) Start date: 2020.7.16

(2) Contest entrance: online ZOOM platform and WeChat community cluster paper writing, academic analysis training, regularly participate in online video course training, and submit phased assignments.

(3) Training content: reading literature, extracting summaries, academic analysis and scientific research direction prediction Lecture setting: special lectures provided by members of the jury

(4) The form of academic training:

① The organizing committee of the competition provides video guide courses for the guidance of the competition, explaining the methods of reading the literature and finding the direction of scientific research. The courses are recorded, broadcast and audio.

② Instruct the students to complete the opening report for the first 5 days, and then write a review paper. The project instructor updates the frontier academic papers in related fields in WeChat group from time to time.

③ The instructor in the group conducts assignments every 5 days, and then summarizes the assignments submitted by the trainees every 5 days, allowing the trainees not to submit the assignments at most twice, and more than once will be regarded as automatically giving up the promotion.

④ From the 10th day, according to the direction selected by the student's work, start a 20-day review of the related field. Every 5 days, the student must submit the review progress of the review as an assignment, and send the article to the tutor separately for retention.

⑤ In the process of writing Review, students need to provide their own insights and analysis on relevant research, and make certain predictions about the future development trend. ⑥ Students are allowed to search for documents in related fields other than those provided by the instructor. The main output is a review, and the instructor will assist in the writing of the article.

⑦ Participants can form a group of 2-4 people to jointly write a review. The order of the names in the paper is determined according to the size of the contribution.

(5) Achievement feedback:

① Provincial Sci-Tech Prize, First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, etc. of the 2020 Global Youth Elite Academic Analysis Contest

② Complete a review article that meets the submission requirements

(6) Grouped competition mode: each group of participants is distributed in different WeChat communities. In each community, the instructor is responsible for guiding, evaluating, and summarizing the learning progress of the students. The provincial competition implements competition within the group, and the score evaluation is based on the submitted Review

(7) The way of promotion: According to the scores of the jury, the participants in each group of the first prize and first prize are eligible to enter the national competition stage. The basic prize of the special prize is higher. The provincial competition has no quota restrictions.

(8) Evaluation criteria: awards based on the point system

(9) Integral rule:

① 10 points for each submission

② Review writes 50 points, and scores accordingly

9.2.3 National Games

(1) Start date: 2020.8.16

(2) Contest entrance: online paper presentation and academic defense

(3) Competition judges: well-known scholars at home and abroad

(4) Contest mode: Participants prepare academic lectures based on their own reviews and defend online live papers

(5) Appraisal rules: The academic committee evaluates according to the contestants ’replies

(6) Achievement feedback:

① First prize, second prize and third prize of 2020 Global Youth Elite Academic Analysis Contest

② Scholarships for awards in each stage

Organizer Introduction
9.2 比赛形式-副本1

North American Chinese Technology Business Association

The North American Chinese Association for Technology, Industry and Commerce is one of the largest academic, technological, and business organizations in North America. It is composed of students, incumbents and entrepreneur alumni from North American well-known universities, scientific research institutions and well-known enterprises. Since its inception, it has organized dozens of large-scale talent recruitment fairs / inviting talents for North American governments, enterprises, and universities, and has prepared dozens of international high-end technology and financial summits with certain influences. The invited guests were more than 1,000 person-times from the mainstream American society and the elites of the domestic political and business circles. Conduct professional training and corporate visits in various fields in New York, Boston, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Houston, Silicon Valley, Vancouver, Munich, Tel Aviv. The number of people who have visited and exchanged for many years is nearly 6,000. Guests attending the international conference in preparation include world-class celebrities such as Mr. Powell, the former US Secretary of State, and Mr. Kevin Rudd, the former Prime Minister of Australia. It has planned large-scale New Year, Lantern Festival, National Day Gala, and nearly 1,200 people attended all the parties.
Nearly 7,000 people subscribe to the WeChat public platform of the North American Chinese Technology Industry and Commerce Association, and more than 54,000 people subscribe to the e-mail system. More diverse forms of cooperation are welcome. Through the integration of its good resources in North American governments / universities / research institutions, enterprises and chambers of commerce, it actively builds a more direct and wider communication and integration bridge between the scientific and technological community and the business community, promotes the transformation of technology in business enterprises, and assists in the establishment of high-tech industries .
Shanghai Yutu Education Technology Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Yutu Education Technology Co., Ltd., with offices in New York and Shanghai, has a high-quality mentor team and a strong academic atmosphere. Focusing on the customization of one-to-one personalized tutoring programs, it provides powerful course support and service guarantee for many students to realize their dream of studying abroad. Has a good reputation and wide influence in the industry, won the praise of the majority of students and parents.

It has been recognized by dozens of well-known foreign universities such as Cambridge University, Oxford University, Harvard University, Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Princeton University, and Berkeley University of California.

Since its inception, the company has always adhered to the concept of "cultivating creative international talents", focusing on the development and cultivation of students' learning ability. In response to the "personalized" service needs of students and parents, we have specially established a teaching affairs research center, relying on a high-quality faculty lineup and strong independent research and development strength, to create a unique personalized guidance program for each student. At the same time, we fully respect students 'choices, pay attention to students' character and health, interest and happiness, and pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of self-learning ability. Through interactive teaching methods with foreign tutors, students will have the ability to think independently and analyze problems independently on the basis of excellent knowledge. It has effectively improved the learning initiative, interest and ability of every student, and has successfully helped many students achieve excellent results, providing a stable foundation and service for a large number of outstanding talents in Anglo-American universities.